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Chiang Mai Block

Special thanks to Mr. Tony Curtis for coming up with the name of this effect.

Chiang Mai Block is an attractive magical prop that is an amazing demonstration of wood inlay techniques by itself. Each set has been patiently handcrafted with intricate inlay work, felt interior and topped with the finest possible coating by skilled craftsman.

The performer holds the ends of the cords that are threaded through the holes on both sides of the block, suspending the block above the table and openly placed into the cabinet with the ends of the cords protruding from each side of the cabinet. The front door is now closed to secure the block and the ends of the cords are taken by the performer, wrapped over the lid and tied in a knot. On the performer’s command, the cords visibly penetrate through the block and the cabinet, leaving the cords in the performer’s hands and the block in the cabinet! The cabinet, block and cords can all be inspected by a spectator. 

The cabinet is 5 inch high with a 4 inch square footprint. The block is 2 inch cubed.

Finished in the finest possible coating with hand polishing and sanding in between.
